Do you know anything about real world racing? Almost all racing series have a set of rules. these rules define what kind of car you can enter into a race. These rules state very clearly what kind of wheel and tyre you are allowed to use. So you can't go racing in STCC with 20" chrome wheels with spinnerz.
If you look at any touring car series closely you will notice that there are in fact very few variations in wheels from team to team. And that variation is mostly due to colour. LFS already allows this. Yes, racing cars usually have big wheels with a little tyre around it. But that is how every single car in the same class is. So there is no customizing going on.
Customizing rims is just for croozing. And if that floats your boat there are a lot of better games than this for it.
Why, if everybody hates drifting so much, is there a thread right next to this one where a drifter is asking for help and no one has hated him yet. There are both drifters and racers giving him advice. No hating what so ever.
Where is this hating that you are continuously feeling? I bet it's all in your own head, you emotionally challenged drifter.
I have nothing against drifting. You like doing it, do it. That takes nothing away from me. Provided you do it where it's appropriate. I don't go on a drift server if I want to race. If I did I wouldn't complain afterwards that everybody hates racing because I got kicked.
What I do not like are twerps who post on forums how they have hurt their feelings when someone has said what they like to do is stupid.
I play computer games, which some think is stupid. Do I care what they think? No.
I race RC cars. Some people think this is stupid too. Do I care? No.
Aaargh! Someone hates me! Now I must go and make a thread about it.
Who mentioned anything about anything sexual? I enjoy watching people do things I can't do. I can drift a car. I can play icehockey. Neither do I excell in. But I can't jump in the air and spin around and land safely using scates.
Just go and drift. What does it matter what other people think? But do it on a server for drifting. I've had to ban countless idiots who can't read and think racing servers are for drifting.
I would much rather watch figure skating than drifting. If you think it's more exiting to watch men in cars letting their rear end hang out than women in skimpy outfits doing those pirouettes with their leg up in the air then it's quite clear what you are.
Besides figure skating needs just as much precision as drifting if not more.
And why is it always a low self esteem emo drifter who comes here whining about how everybody hates him. Get a life. Drift if you like. Go home, lock yourself in, throw away the key and stay off the internet if your main concern is what other people think about you.
I disagree. I don't think it's even a particularly trollish troll. It only has two insults: "son" and "you are trolling or dumb". Where's the creativity in that? Far too little misquoting and a distasteful lack of smileys and internet memes forces me to give this troll only 1 out of 5.
1.5 if you count this line:
as a "I've had your mom" insult.
A bit meh if you ask me.
Edit: Maybe we should ask ScaViEr to make some better trolls for this forum.
Last edited by March Hare, .
Reason : Just a thought.
CTRA was great. Would I wan't to do it again just as it was? No. I think CTRA has given me most during my LfS career, so far. Great close races with the TBOs. And with the LRF towards the end. But I think its place is in the past.
I wouldn't like to go through the whole tier process now. I just wouldn't have the time anymore. That is one area where is better. It takes into account your previous LfS career. Last year I started racing again, learning to race again would be more appropriate, I could almost immediately get into the TBO class on the servers. If I would have been forced to go through a long period in the STDs I probably wouldn't have bothered with the whole system.
The main problem, to me at least, is the multitude of classes on the S2 server. As some have remarked in this thread, the mixing of road tyred cars with ones with slicks is not working very well. They have to use very long tracks to keep the lapping to a minimum. Furthermore the XFR/UFR seem to always have accidents on the first lap and come barging passed. I understand that keeping the servers populated is what aims for but I do not enjoy driving on the S2 server. Fortunately the S1 server is enough for me. I would however enjoy a spin in the RAC from time to time.
Maybe you could split the servers road/slick in stead of S1/S2. Although I do understand the need for S1 servers too.
If someone broke into the model car manufacturers warehouse and stole a model car (worth 24£) exactly like yours. Would it have any real effect on you?
I believe not. Even the manufacturer would hardly notice.
On the other hand if he made 100000 copies of the model car and sold them to other people for 12£...
That's the difference between real piratism and the occasional game cracker/movie donwloader.
I have a real big problem with the adverts comparing making a copy of some software or a movie with stealing a car. If you make a copy of a movie only some big company gets 10£ less income or more if the movie was good and you decide to buy it.
If you steal some ones car s/he might not be able to go to work, take a child to hospital, go visit long lost relatives or a loved one. I think there's a bit of a difference.
Only problem I have with downloading a movie from the net is that many times you get pr0n instead of the movie you were hoping for. And you can bash the bishop only so many times a day.
Big companies should make it legal do download movies from the net. Just make the file a little worse quality then the DVD and charge something like 0.5£ per movie and I bet they'd make a huge profit. Both with the net service and DVDs.
Yes, I'm so far behind times I still prefer DVD to BluRay.
Getting a car registered that has had an engine that is more powerful than any engine in the model range installed is extremely difficult in Finland.
A simple swap like for like is easy. Putting in a different engine that has same power as the original, easy. The Finish legislature is a real pain in the arse if you want to legally modify your car.
I don't think he was drunk. If he had been he would have survived with minor injuries and had run over a few bystanders. Or hit another car killing its occupants.
I think he was sober and "just" speeding. Like that's any better.
First race effed up my suspension royally and had to call it quits.
Second race got spun around and finished 6th.
Third race some persons had an accident in front and I didn't slow down enough to avoid one of them who was trying to turn around. Finished 6th I think.
Unfortunately it's in Russian so it's a bit of a pain to get started. If you don't know Russian. But since you like modding it's real easy to make the menus and other stuff in English. You just have to modify a localisation file.
Some problems in T1 in all three races... Be careful people!
Totally wrong track for me. I've never gotten into a good rhythm on AS Cadet. Still managed to pass a few people when their tyres got a bit too warm. Can't complain about two 2nd place finishes. Second race was a total nightmare. A slight tap on my rear fender got exaggerated by lag and I went off. While returning to the track I somehow managed to shift down when trying to shift up and the engine was toast. Being a second slower per lap than the back markers I decided to quit before endangering the race of the leaders.
I had fun and that's the main thing.
PS. Does anyone have the replays... I forgot to save mine
- BL1 FBM: 1.17.97 / 6 laps 2008
- BL1 XFG: 1.35.36 / 38 laps 2009
- SO1 XRT: 53.64 / 146 laps 2008 I'm not this fast anymore
- AS3 GTR: 1.49.81 / 6 laps Before the changes in Blackwood in ancient times.